Monday, 20 April 2015

Lost In Klimt

Probably my last Klimt comic for a while. I'm working on a short comic that explores movement and perspective. I've always loved the fullness and sensuality of Klimt's work and it seems like a good place to play. I'm hoping to be in and out of this comic by the end of the week, so I'm going to keep it simple with line and a blush of colour.
My sketchbooks are filling up with contorted figures, this work is in a way a pre-runner to a bigger piece of work I'm planning on doing at a later date.
Lost In pics in progress...

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Tales from a wild & fragrant youth

Cutting Out The Bull

Salad Days

Darken Our Skies

I was having a long overdue shed tidy when I came across these snippets of work from way back when I was a young whipper-snapper. I adored my dip-pen and abused it brutally, mashed up collage and pushed oil bars around. Without wanting to sound pretentious, I was keen not to be pigeon holed, I wanted to make narrative art rather than illustration - Some things never change.


A little excursion along our wild coast - Bike